


Adrienne is an expert developmental editor and writer. She will read your manuscript and meet with you to hear your ideas. Together, you will discuss the themes, messages, and intentions of your book. Adrienne will help you organize and fine-tune your manuscript so that it reads clearly and compellingly.



Adrienne will advise you on your best route to publish, whether by a traditional publishing house, a hybrid publisher, or an independent publisher. If you choose to send your manuscript to a Big 5 publisher, Adrienne will prepare a book proposal for you and help you find a literary agent suitable for your work.

Most AHE authors choose independent publishing to maintain creative control and to produce their books professionally and expediently.

The books we produce show a full range of print options. Our book designer will work with you to select a distinctive design for your text and book cover, and our team will professionally prepare your manuscript for publication.



If you would like to market your book, AHE will connect you with our creative and strategic partners including expert website designers, social media strategists, and PR professionals. There is an additional fee for these services.

How Does this Work?


 Step 1:

Contact Adrienne by clicking below. We will call or email you within a week to set up a time to meet.

Step 2:

Meet with Adrienne to describe your book project and your goals, and to survey our publishing and print options. There is a consulting fee of $100/hour.

Step 3:

Send what you have written to Adrienne for review. If you are just starting or still working on your book, Adrienne will set up a writing schedule and publishing timeline.

Step 4:

Collaborate closely with Adrienne as you finish your book. You will have AHE’s editorial expertise, support, and encouragement from start to finish.

 Ready to start your project?